martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

My favourite day

I think the best day of my life was when I went out for fist time to a stage for a professional dance’s company; it was when I was like 14 years in the Teleton’s theatre. I was very nervous because it isn’t just going out to the stage; it has a very much preparation in the backstage. The rehearsal was endless, the dancers inexhaustible and the choreographer was very demanding. The director of the Company was very irritable and he was giving me fright because I didn’t know him very well. I remember that, for me, the most difficult was the makeup because I didn’t know how to do it. I was a lot of hours between the makeup and the hairstyle and my mom couldn’t be here for help me. I had a lot of wardrobe to change me and the dressing room was very much untidy.
Moreover, I was to put me a false eyelashes and it was very strange for me and the eyelined was very bad. In the end, my dancing mates made up to me and they put me the false eyelashes. Ultimately, was every ok.
 The sensation of be in the stage is unpayable, it’s amazing. The people don’t see the mistakes and they clap very strong. The satisfaction is incredible.
On the other hand, my family was very proud and they gave me a branch of flowers. Later they invited me to a delicious dinner in a restaurant from one of my favorite foods, the Chinese’s food.
Well, this is my experience. I hope you like it J bye                 


5 comentarios:

  1. it's very funny your story about your makeover!!
    someday I want to see you in a performance, it would be great.
    see you :)

  2. I love that picture and I think that anybody would be proud, it's very beautiful what you do.
    See you later (:

  3. wow! This day must have been a very tense and rewarding time!
    I love dancing too!

    See you!

  4. wow! a big moment.
    i love dancing but i can to dance in front of a lot of people. i will feel very nervious and embarrastment!

    I danced belly dance the lasta year in the faculty of art and i was very very nervious. but is a great experience


  5. I didn't know you were a dancer!! Let's talk next week about your text.. Cheers


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